Classic Meatballs

Everyone has their unique method of making meatballs, with countless variations out there. My recipe, which I’ve learned from my mom, is quite straightforward yet a classic in my kitchen. I typically use a blend of ground veal and beef. If veal isn’t your preference, feel free to use only beef. Personally, I love to mix meats, usually opting for pork or veal to mix with beef, but It’s really about your taste preferences. But the BEST WAY to add that incredible flavor is to add the raw meatballs into the sauce and let them cook there. This technique, in my experience, always gives me the best results. Cooking the meatballs this way not only infuses the sauce with delicious meaty flavors but also ensures that the meatballs are juicy and tender, creating a perfect Italian meatball experience!   


  • 1 lb. ground veal or pork

  • 1 lb. ground beef (ground chuck)

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs (or crusty Italian bread cubed and soaked in milk)

  • 1-2 handfuls water

  • 1 handful chopped fresh parsley

  • salt and pepper


  1. Crack 3 eggs into a large mixing bowl, lightly beat to break up yolk.

  2. Add the ground meat and a handful or two of water.

  3. Add the rest of the ingredients: cheese, bread crumbs, chopped parsley, and couple teaspoons of salt and pepper.

  4. Using your hands, mix well to combine, but DO NOT OVER MIX. When you mix and play with it too much it produces a tough meatball.
    Roll into balls but be gentle and light with the meat, do not make them too "tight."

  5. Either have your own homemade tomato sauce cooking or heat up your favorite store bought tomato sauce on the stove. The meatballs need to cook in the sauce for at least an hour. Gently add one meatball at a time into the hot, cooking sauce. While cooking on low, stir occasionally. Make sure to stir from the bottom of the pot so you don't crush the meatballs.

We’d love to see your finished product! Post your picture on Instagram, tag us and hashtag it #danimade.

Beef, PorkDanielle SimoneComment