Chicken Cutlets

Everyone loves a good chicken cutlet. They are one of my favorite things to cook, eat and make for people. There are a lot of steps but isn't too hard. I think it takes practice to really perfect your best chicken cutlet, so don't get discouraged if you feel it is too hard to get them right, especially your first few times. Overtime you'll get better I promise. Keep making them and you will learn to master them!


  • Chicken breasts

  • 1/4 cup milk

  • 2 eggs

  • Bread crumbs (mix together Italian breadcrumbs and Italian style panko breadcrumbs)

  • Light olive oil

  • 1 lemon

  • salt and pepper


  1. In a bowl mix together two eggs, the milk and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Set aside.

  2. Prepare the chicken: clean and trim fat then place one hand on top of the chicken, pressing firmly while you slice evenly through the center as you filet each breast creating two cutlets. Then cover the cutlet with parchment paper or plastic wrap and use a meat mallet to pound the chicken cutlets very thin. Once all the chicken cutlets are pounded thin, transfer to the egg and milk mixture.

  3. Clean up the mess from the chicken prep and then set up your workstation. You will have your bowl of chicken in the milk/eggs, then on another plate, bowl or parchment paper, pour a couple cups of breadcrumbs, then a tray or plate to place the breaded chicken on until ready to cook.

  4. While applying the breadcrumbs press firmly to make sure you cover each side of the chicken completely with the breadcrumbs. Once all your chicken is breaded, you can heat a large pan on medium heat. Add enough olive oil to cover the whole pan. Don't add the chicken until the oil is hot enough. Test the oil by sprinkling a few breadcrumbs into the pan. If they sizzle a lot right away then the oil is hot enough and ready.

  5. Place a few breasts in the pan, try not to overcrowd the pan. Cook the chicken for about 1-2 minutes on each side. The chicken will have a nice golden color and crisp breading. If you are working in batches, about every other time you take the chicken out and add new chicken, first wipe out the old oil and breadcrumbs to start fresh and add new oil.

  6. When the chicken is done cooking, transfer to a plate with a paper towel on it to absorb any excess oil and squeeze fresh lemon juice over top. If I am not serving right away, I transfer the cutlets to a baking sheet and keep in the oven on 250, to keep warm, until I am finished cooking all of them and ready to serve dinner.

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