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Spelt Wheat Ravioli with Shiitake & Thyme

After all these years making pasta dough with the typical egg and white flour pasta most of us are used to, I decided it was time to experiment a bit for some fun. While I was in Abruzzo, Italy over the summer visiting family, I was able to enjoy some fresh pasta made from another type of grain flour popular to its region. My cousins offered to send me home with this local flour that comes from the grain called farro. This grain is a wheat species and is commonly found in the mountains of this region in Italy where my family lives. This type of grain was popular with the ancient Romans. It has a lovely nutty flavor and is also an excellent source of protein, fiber and nutrients like magnesium and iron.  After looking around here in the states and back home in Canada, I noticed farro flour is hard to come across. However, spelt is a closely related ancient wheat species and spelt flour may be a easier to find in local your markets. Like quinoa, spelt is an "ancient" grain. Spelt is also a high fiber and high protein grain with many other nutrients and health benefits, all while being free of wheat. However, it is not gluten free. The next time you're trying to make a few healthier choices, ditch the white pasta and turn to other grain options like these.

I stuffed these ravioli with ricotta and pecorino cheese. I added a little bit of lemon zest and sweetness for a fun change of flavor.

This makes about 2 servings.


For the spelt ravioli dough:

  • 2 cups spelt flour

  • 2 large eggs

  • pinch of salt

For the ravioli filling:

  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk ricotta cheese

  • 1/4 cup pecorino cheese

  • zest of one lemon

  • 1 tablespoon of honey

  • sprinkle of salt and pepper

For the mushroom & thyme sauce:

  • 1 cup shiitake mushrooms, chopped

  • 1/2 cup sweet onion, diced

  • 1 fresh garlic clove, crushed and chopped

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 3 tablespoons of cream

  • a few sprigs of fresh thyme


  1. Use a clean working surface or even a large mixing bowl.

  2. Create a mound of flour with a well in the middle (somewhat like a volcano)

  3. Crack the eggs into the well, sprinkle with salt.

  4. Use your fingers to start scrambling the eggs and gradually incorporating the flour into it. Once all the flour is mixed in you should have your ball of dough to start kneading on the work surface. If the dough is too moist you can add more flour.

  5. Sprinkle flour over your surface and start kneading by pushing it away with the heel of your hands, then folding it back. Continue to knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.

  6. Shape the dough into the ball/log it is in and then cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes.

  7. In the meantime, prepare your ravioli filling. Mix all filling ingredients in a mixing bowl until well combined. Cover and set in the fridge until ready to use.

  8. When you're ready to start assembling the ravioli, go back to your floured work surface.

  9. Cut about 2 inches off the log of dough, cover the log with plastic wrap while not using.

  10. Sprinkle the cut piece of dough with some flour then start to roll out very thin with the rolling pin into long sheets. Keep dusting with flour as needed. Continue until you use all the dough.

  11. Once you have your long sheets, place a little ball of your filling about every inch apart, then fold your dough over and press in-between each one firmly to seal. Use a knife or a pastry cutter to separate each piece. If you just use a knife, go around the edges of each one with a fork after you cut them. Press along the rim of each one to make sure it is sealed and it will also give each ravioli a little boarder design.

  12. Cover a small baking sheet with parchment paper and carefully transfer the ravioli onto the sheet then into the freezer to firm up until ready for use. If you plan to use them another day, after they become firm (about 10 or so minutes) transfer them into a plastic baggie and freeze for future use.

  13. Clean everything up then get ready to make your sauce. Make sure your mushrooms are washed and chopped and get the rest of your ingredients ready, set them aside.

  14. Start boiling water and in the meantime start sauce in a small skillet.

  15. Heat skillet over medium heat, add olive oil and butter. Once the butter is melted and started to bubble add the thyme leaves and onion, stir.

  16. Then add the mushrooms and garlic, sprinkle some salt. Stir to combine and cook for about 2 minutes. Add a drizzle of olive oil if it seems dry.

  17. Continuing over medium heat, add the cream. Stir and let bubble for just about a minute then lower heat and cook until it reduces just a little for about 2 minutes. Remove from heat, set aside but keep warm.

  18. Water should be boiling. Remove ravioli from the freezer and drop in boiling water. Add salt to water, carefully give one stir. As the ravioli start to rise remove them from the water to a serving bowl. They only need to cook for about 30 seconds or so.

  19. Once all the ravioli are removed, pour your sauce over top. Garnish with a few more fresh thyme leaves then serve immediately.

    We’d love to see your finished product! Post your picture on Instagram, tag us @danimade.kitchen and hashtag it #danimade

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